When you are queer, attracting a clear line between pals and lovers can occasionally get difficult.

Queer musician Sizzy Rocket’s brand new video „Bestie“ explores this truth, motivated by a single evening stand the performer had with her companion. The video is actually humorous and campy, referencing „unintentionally sensual“ ’80s exercise video clips — a move that Rocket claims is meant to subvert the male look.

The Huffington Post talked with Sizzy Rocket recently about her inspiration for „Bestie.“

The Huffington Post: What encouraged this video?

The tune had been prompted by a genuine evening that happened between myself and my personal closest friend, therefore the video concept simply popped inside my mind while I was writing it. I truly wanted to display a campy visual and embody the male look while directed to it in a tongue-in-cheek means, and do exercises videos during the ’80s tend to be a perfect place to draw from since they are inadvertently erotic. Its intentionally over-sexualized, and Dorian, the manager, actually took it to a different amount together with the watermelon together with banana sit-up. It’s designed to have you laugh but additionally show you how conveniently and also unwittingly we make use of womanliness and the feminine body.

So how exactly does the person who encouraged this song/video experience it?

She’s the greatest and she really loves it. We laugh about any of it with each other, that is everything should really do about situations that way. Laugh it off and dance it well.

How would you describe your own music style/aesthetic?

My style, specially to my record „DELIGHTS“ that’ll appear later this season, cannot really be pinned right down to any genre. I’m influenced by New York electroclash like Peaches and Scissor Sisters, but Drake and Frank Ocean were in addition huge impacts. I am experiencing countless cologne Genius. I love sets from intense rap to bubblegum synth pop music, but the charm about a traditional track will it be can transcend genre. Queen pops into the mind — they may be my personal favorite.

What’s then individually?

I’m going to begin playing many shows and keep making unanticipated images. I’m placing my personal second pick out in July that will include a zine, and that I just wrapped my album. I am simply excited to be putting an archive call at society — you never know what’s after that!

Need to see a lot more from Sizzy Rocket? Check the woman viral track from just last year, “



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